Version 1.2 of gaeutilities is now available. This release includes
and important bugfix for session deletion and is recommended for all
users. This release also introduces new functionality for session, the
ability to set the writer. The options are "datastore" (default) and
"cookie". When you set the writer to cookie, nothing is saved server
side, and there is no session token validation, increasing performance
at the risk of security.

The django-middleware has been updated to take advantage of this
functionality. By default, django will use the cookie writer, thus
decreasing the CPU overhead for page views on your system. However, on
login, you can call which will move the session
to a datastore based version. Further requests made by the user will
have their session data saved in the datastore, securing your user
data from sniffing attacks.

This is made possible by a new class method check_token
(Session.check_token()) which checks to see if a session token exists
for the user, and if so validates it.

For more information on how to use the new session functionality, see:

This change will impact users of the django-middleware, who will need
to call before auth.login(). However, all other
use cases of session will not be impacted, as the default is the
datastore backed sessions. However you're encouraged to take advantage
of cookie writer for anonymous requests in order to maximize
performance if you're loading session on every request.

Note: I'm interested in any sites currently using gaeutilities as well
as feedback as to why you are using the library, or why not. I've not
gotten much feedback during the course of the project but have seen a
lot of downloads. I'm curious as to how people are using the utilities.
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