This is not the main reason why i chose to go with expando objects,
but it does a little like this:

In expando's, I can store just information i need; that is, if I
happen to have a 'color' attribute for a given entry, I can just store
it's 'color' information even if others dont have it;

Also, in expando's I can store list of lists by using setattr(self,
property, listoflist). Model objects seem to not like the explicit
setting of ListProperty(list).

but maybe I got this backwards. any input would be appreciated.

(ps, im rewritting the core portion of this anyway, as there is no
obvious scalable workaround for my indexing problem. I will just have
to choose a list of commonly used properties and build indexes against
those, and dump everything else in a single predefined property (and
index that one as well), as to never raise an index not found error in

On Feb 21, 10:35 pm, bd_ <> wrote:
> On Feb 20, 3:13 pm, pedepy <> wrote:
> > Hi .. I just stumbed upon a NeedIndexError. I understand why it
> > happens, but I dont quite understand the 'motivations' behind it.
> > If the development server can just generate indexes for queries as I
> > make them, why would that not be possible for the deployed app? My app
> > makes extensive use of Expando objects who's properties I cannot fully
> > predict. As such, the combination of all possible queries is also
> > almost possible to determine before hand.
> The development server does not generate indexes, actually. Whenever
> you do a query, it loops over every item in the datastore, filtering
> for those that match your query. Obviously, this scales rather badly,
> but on the plus side, dealing with a query that would otherwise use a
> new index is trivial :)
> Actually generating a new index requires sorting every item of the
> model in question and building an index out of that. As Dan points
> out, that can be a very expensive operation, and moreover ongoing
> costs for inserts/updates should be a concern.
> Since you've not given any details about /why/ you're using Expando
> objects, all I can say is that you'll have to get clever with one or
> two special properties to manufacture whatever queries you want.
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