We are currently hosting KML data to be fetched by GeoXml() requests
to our GAE API. The data is purchased from a third-party vendor and
one of their restrictions requires us to keep our polygon vertices
hidden. We've been doing this by restricting these specific requests
by IP address and keeping a running tab of the IP addresses the
requests come from when a GeoXml request is used (there is also
another counter-measure built into the URI, but it's not relevant to
this post).

It seems that it would be much better to restrict by domain so we
don't have to keep adding IP addresses for the google maps servers (we
have 10 already!). I've tried this before but there wasn't a way to do
it. Have there been any changes to GAE libraries over the last few
months that would add functionality to allow a reverse lookup?

If not, does anyone have any suggestions?
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