Ahhh...that sounds about right! Would make sense for duplicate list
property entries to be ignored when the index is being created. Would
neatly explain the difference..

Thanks! :)

On Mar 12, 8:49 pm, Ryan Lamansky <spam...@kardax.com> wrote:
> Speculating, I think it's because writing a lot of different values
> requires the list's "simple index" to be updated in many different
> places, as opposed to a single place with the duplicate values.
> -Ryan
> On Mar 12, 2:27 pm, peterk <peter.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've been experimenting with some approaches to various things, and
> > ran into this variation in performance that's kind of puzzling me.
> > Here I'm creating and saving an item with 3 properties - two reference
> > properties, and a list property of keys.
> > I was just using dummy data initially, and set the list of keys to be
> > the same key over and over, and then put the item. The total cost for
> > this was around 800 ms-cpu.
> > But then, as soon I started using a 'real' list of keys, where the
> > keys were all different, the cpu cost doubles.
> > I tried to isolate what was causing the extra cost, and as far as I
> > can see, it's purely down just to the fact that the list property in
> > one instance is made up of a list of the same keys, and in the second
> > instance is made up of a list of different keys.
> > To illustrate the point I used this code:
> > itemA = A.all().get() # get one itemA
> > itemB = B.all().get() # get one itemB
> > query = B.all().fetch(36) # get 36 itemBs
> > itemB_keys = [itemB.key() for itemB in query #construct list of itemB
> > keys
> > itemC = C(a = itemA, b = itemB) # create itemC, the item we'll be
> > putting
> > for key in itemB_keys:
> >         itemC.itemB_keys.append(key) # add keys to itemC's list of itemB 
> > keys
> > db.put(itemC)
> > If I just change the for loop to add the same key the same number of
> > times rather than a different key each time, and leave everything else
> > *exactly* the same, suddenly the cpu cost halves.
> > Why would the make-up of the list property have such an impact on
> > performance? Are list property puts somehow optimised if the list is
> > made up of the same key or entity over and over, vs different ones?
> > Thanks for any insight..
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