Is werkzeug a framework you have running with GAE? How does it
organize your new projects?

On Mar 13, 7:14 am, Jarek Zgoda <> wrote:
> I use another toolset (Werkzeug + Jinja2) so my projects are organized
> in different way, but I second your thoughts on default template
> usability.
> On 13 Mar, 08:16, adelevie <> wrote:
> > I have found the included "new_project_template" to be woefully
> > inadequate for getting a real project started. It's good for learning
> > a hello world app, but when it comes to making apps ready for
> > production, it's nice to make your own template. I wrote about the
> > template that I use on my personal blog (
> > 2009/03/13/better-project-template-for-google-app-engine/ [there's a
> > download link if you want]). It includes BeautifulSoup, some django
> > templates, fixed tabs (why two spaces, Google, why?!), and some very
> > basic but useful functions.
> > I'd be interested to see what other people do about this.
> > -Alan
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