I could think of a rather simple solution for twitter: Just give
everyone an API key that they use to authenticate, and make the limits
based on the key instead of the IP addresses. No?

On Mar 14, 12:57 am, Richard Bremner <richyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmmm yes this is a difficult one. Neither Twitter nor Google are being
> unreasonable, and each GAE developer is probably performing a sane number of
> Twitter API requests but combined we are ruining it for everyone. Ohhh the
> solution? I can't think of a good solution Twitter could implement which
> wouldn't make it easy to circumvent their limit unreasonably. I do happen to
> have a hosted linux server a I can put a proxy script on, I guess I'm lucky
> there, but I am using GAE for its scaleability which my server certainly
> isn't. I don't need to go into all the reasons GAE is more scaleable than my
> own server :-)
> If anyone thinks of anything, I'd love to know.
> Rich
> 2009/3/14 lock <lachlan.hu...@gmail.com>
> > Hmmm.  My next app engine project _was_ going to be an app that relied
> > on twitter.  This doesn't sound good.  As per your situation the app
> > wouldn't
> > hammer twitter, one request to the search API every 5-10 minutes or
> > so.
> > Given its not exactly an app engine problem did you try contacting
> > twitter to see if they could build more 'smarts' into their rate
> > limiting?
> > Would be really interested to see if you end up resolving this issue,
> > thanks
> > for the heads up.  Sorry I can't help.
> > Cheers, lock
> > On Mar 12, 10:43 pm, richyrich <richyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi there,
> > > I have been writing a simple little app that uses the Twitter API. It
> > > works perfectly on my local development server but it fails when I
> > > upload it because I get this error from Twitter:
> > > error=Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 100 requests
> > > per hour.
> > > ...even though my app only makes 1 request. what is happening is that
> > > other people apps must be using the Twitter API from the same IP
> > > address. does anyone know a good way around this other than hosting my
> > > app somewhere else?
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