Nothing forces you to use WebApp framework with its request/response
objects - WebOb is available already (afaik, in WebApp request is
WebOb request, but response is not a subclass of WebOb response),
Werkzeug works too.

On 15 Mar, 06:32, zombie <> wrote:
> Does anyone know what is the minimum amount of data that the appengine
> http response can return?
> I need  the ***absolute*** minimum, counting both headers and data.
> Actually, I don't even plan to return any data, just 1 bit of
> information through (custom) status response codes like "201" (for OK)
> or "501" (for ERR).
> (as to why, short answer: GPRS transfer charged per byte, lots of
> requests)
> And since this is my custom app doing requests, I will not even use
> GET request, probably just HEAD, or even PUT (or anything that will
> help return the smallest amount of data). Also, any caching method
> (that could help) is possible for me (IfModified/ETag?).
> Doing a normal "GET / HTTP/1.0" request on some appengine app, I get
> this response headers:
> HTTP/1.0 200 OK
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
> Cache-Control: no-cache
> Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 05:00:48 GMT
> Server: Google Frontend
> Content-Length: 2906
> Connection: Close
> I can see from appengine documentation that you can't modify Content-
> Length, Date and Server fields, so I suppose they can't be disabled
> either. Is there a way to disable them, possibly using custom HTTP
> commands (HEAD/PUT?)?
> Or just a simple redirection maybe? Are all those headers sent back
> when your script does a simple HTTP 302 redirect?
> Thanks in advance
> Tomislav Jovanovic
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