[09:06] <scudder_google> Hey everyone, we're ready to start another
hour long chat session.
[09:08] <scudder_google> We have some Googlers here, myself,
jason_google, jcgregorio_google, dan_google, nickjohnson, and some
others may jump on a bit later
[09:09] <Wooble> ok, I knew this channel was dead when these chats
weren't going on...
[09:09] <scudder_google> ribrdb is here from Googler too :)
[09:10] <dan_google> Anyone want to plug their App Engine site?
[09:10] <dan_google> And by plug I mean promote.  :)
[09:10] <knoonan> Hi guys, apart from housekeeping on the datastore,
do you anticipate that remote_api will be used to enable desktop
applications which use BigTable as a datastore?
[09:11] <dan_google> knoonan: That's a fine idea, I don't see why not.
[09:12] <HighBit> hey guys. just saw jcg mention the chat on twitter.
so what's new w/ app engine? :)
[09:12] <bFlood> @dan_google - but they would need your admin logon
for remote_api right?
[09:12] <scudder_google> knoonan and bFlood: actually I don't think
admin login is required
[09:12] <dan_google> bFlood: Yeah, to use remote_api directly you
would.  Or another admin account.
[09:13] <dan_google> bFlood: You can always set up the remote_api
handler to not have admin protection.  Not sure if that's a good idea.
[09:13] <dan_google> In general, it's probably better to build just
the web service end points the desktop application needs.
[09:13] <Wooble> maybe hack the handler to do its own authentication?
[09:14] <Wooble> whether that's significantly better than using a
RESTful interface I have no idea...
[09:15] <bFlood> Wooble - yea, I kinda came to the same conclusion.
just use a RESTful endpoint instead, easier to work with
[09:15] <bFlood> but at first I thought remote_api would be great for
desktop to connect in
[09:16] <Wooble> well, it would allow you more flexibility in what
your desktop app would be able to do without deploying a new version
of the server side app, definitely.
[09:16] <scudder_google> knoonan and bFlood: I was wrong :) the remote
API handler checks for an admin even if login:admin is not specified
in app.yaml
[09:16] <dan_google> bFlood: If your end points would essentially
expose the same functionality, I don't see a problem.  But for most
apps I can imagine, you'd want custom partitioning of the datastore on
a per-user basis, enforced by the endpoints and some auth.
[09:17] <dan_google> But Google Accounts might be sufficient auth.
[09:17] <dan_google> (I retract my statement about admin-less
remote_api as well, then. :) )
[09:18] <bFlood> dan_google - google accounts auth seemed to work best
for our scenario
[09:18] <bFlood> maybe offtopic but do the callbacks for the future
async urlfetch/datastore run on independent threads?
[09:19] <dan_google> I'm not aware of any plans to do async urlfetch/
datastore.  Where is that from?
[09:19] <bFlood> pubsubhub codebase
[09:20] <bFlood> this forum post has more info: http://tinyurl.com/d3uton
[09:21] <HighBit> I noticed jaiku uses jabber (via gtalk) -- I haven't
looked at the code, has anyone looked at that?
[09:21] <HighBit> I'm curious how they integrated jabber with app
[09:21] <dan_google> My understanding is that pubsubhub is using all
public features, and I'm not aware of any async urlfetch/datastore.
Can you point to a spot in there that looks like it's doing async?
[09:21] <bFlood> async_apiproxy.py
[09:23] <bFlood> it does seem to work for urlfetch (see the
MegaFetcher example from the post above) and it also seems to work for
[09:23] <scudder_google> HighBit: We are planning to make an XMPP API
available publicly at some point in the next several months
[09:23] <scudder_google> HighBit: as noted on our roadmap
[09:23] <HighBit> ah.
[09:24] <bFlood> but I cant tell if the callbacks are run on real
background threads (or just the datastore fetch)
[09:25] <scudder_google> HighBit: I'm not sure about Jaiku's
implementation though, but you can check out the source code
[09:26] <dan_google> bFlood: I'll have to look into it and get back to
[09:26] <knoonan> I'll plug a friend's app: "LongURLPlease" by Darragh
Curran. For all of those "tiny URLs" we encounter--it automatically
expands them so you know where a click will take you...
[09:26] <HighBit> scudder_google: yea, I wanted to, haven't gotten
aronud to looking at their code yet. I think it's pretty nifty that it
was open sourced though.
[09:27] <HighBit> I hope they have at least some testing in there; I
want to see some app engine tests in action
[09:27] <bFlood> dan_google -  ok, thanks. it would be a nice
addition. I would be using the same CPU per request, just in parallel
instead of serially (I guess you could argue either way as to which is
better for GAE's scalability)
[09:28] <MBoffin> knoonan, I turn on TinyURL's preview feature. That
way TinyURL won't auto-redirect me. First it shows me where it will
take me. But LongURLPlease sounds cool because not all of those URL
services give you a preview mode.
[09:28] <knoonan> It's available as a Firefox plugin. Over 4,000 users
already & ten external applications using LongURLPlease as a service,
thro' its RESTful interface.
[09:29] <ribrdb> bFlood: If you look at async_apiproxy you can see
that the callbacks get run when you call wait. There's no threads
[09:30] <jcgregorio_googl> knoonan: nice! particularly handy for
[09:31] <bFlood> ribrdb - cool, thats why I was asking :)  I was
getting different hashes for the threading.local() in the callbacks so
I didnt know
[09:31] <HighBit> are there any articles (planned) for GAE testing?
[09:32] <dan_google> HighBit: We definitely want some.  If you'd like
to write one, we'd publish it in the docs.  =)
[09:33] <HighBit> cool. I'm new to python (big perl guy) so learning
python and explroing GAE is a side project. I would certainly like to
write something tho, I'll let you know if I actually do!
[09:35] <HighBit> I know brad f. had a perl app engine side project
that sort of withered. seems like Perl 5 isn't the best fit for
something like GAE where the env. has to be so controlled
[09:35] <dan_google> HighBit: The loading of the service stubs for the
purposes of unit tests is underdocumented, it's been on my to-do list
for a while.  It's definitely possible, and something we'd like to
promote more.
[09:35] <HighBit> the Perl source itself is fairly.. messy.. and there
are many ways to do things :)
[09:35] <HighBit> *nod*
[09:37] <Wooble> HighBit: I maintain my faith that Brad just ditched
the community aspect and finished that project himself secretly, and
Perl support will be announced Real Soon :)
[09:37] <HighBit> *grin*
[09:42] <MBoffin> I'm just getting back into GAE, so I may have missed
a blog post or two about the subject, but is there any expressed
timeline yet for supporting other languages?
[09:42] <HighBit> MBoffin: the road map at 
mentions soon
[09:42] <HighBit> hopefully by june
[09:42] <MBoffin> Great, thanks.
[09:42] <HighBit> my totally speculative guess is that it'll be Java
[09:43] <nickjohnson> Is anyone running a pool?
[09:43] <Wooble> I'm betting on SmallTalk.
[09:44] <dankles> maybe it will be ANY x86 compiled code you want!
Google already figured out how:
[09:45] <HighBit> dankles: interesting! I didn't think of putting
those together
[09:45] <Wooble> considering they won't allow compiled python modules,
that seems unlikely....
[09:46] <bFlood> my guess is java
[09:46] <dankles> yeah, probably not, but it would be amazing if they
pulled it off
[09:46] <dankles> anyway i'll stick with python :)
[09:47] <flpatriot> so, how is background processing going to work?
[09:48] <brett-appengine> hey sorry i'm late
[09:49] <bFlood> plug - here's a sample Flex based viewer running
spatial-like queries in GAE. http://tinyurl.com/anpq5p
[09:49] <scudder_google> flpatriot: there are a couple of things we're
planning to release for background processing
[09:49] <nickjohnson> How are you indexing the data?
[09:49] <scudder_google> flpatriot: scheduled tasks, and task queue
[09:51] <flpatriot> scudder_google: where are tasks scheduled - app
dashboard, code, config.yaml, or something else?
[09:51] <scudder_google> flpatriot: scheduled tasks is similar to
cron, if you are familiar with that. Is that the kind of info you are
looking for?
[09:52] <bFlood> nickjohnson - grids of geometry, rtree-like indexes
in the grids. good for small bbox based queries but its no RDBMS for
heavy lifting. more here: http://tinyurl.com/c6ps3g
[09:52] <flpatriot> scudder_google: a slightly more specific timeline
than "sometime before june" would be nice ;)
[09:53] <dan_google> flpatriot: Sometime before June 30th.  ;)
[09:53] <dankles> lol
[09:53] <Wooble> see, that's even worse. more like "before July"
[09:53] <dankles> keep asking & it might end up in 2010...
[09:54] <pr3d4t0r> Hrm...
[09:54] <pr3d4t0r> dan_google: Hej.
[09:54] <nickjohnson> bFlood: Have you seen the various space-filling
indexing solutions?
[09:55] <nickjohnson> I have a rather primitive implementation here:
[09:55] <bFlood> nickjohnson - like which ones?
[09:55] <pr3d4t0r> Q. Is there an announcement yet about the
additional programming language supported for App Engine?  I'm
speaking about hybrid cloud/enterprise systems in a few hours at
TheServerSide Java Symposium and I'd like to include this if it's
known.  Thanks in advance.
[09:55] <nickjohnson> Others are also working on similar
[09:55] <nickjohnson> pr3d4t0r: There's no official announcement of
which language it is, if that's what you're asking
[09:55] <scudder_google> pr3d4t0r: no announcement yet
[09:55] <scudder_google> :)
[09:55] <pr3d4t0r> nickjohnson: Grrr....
[09:55] <pr3d4t0r> nickjohnson: OKi.
[09:55] <pr3d4t0r> nickjohnson: Thanks :)
[09:56] * pr3d4t0r sets the slide back to "Python only".
[09:56] <brett-appengine> How about "Python + ?"
[09:56] <brett-appengine> not the most useful but...
[09:56] <brett-appengine> there will be other options
[09:56] <Wooble> I bet the "new language" will be python 3, just to
make people's heads explode.
[09:57] <brett-appengine> haha
[09:57] <gvanrossum> I think it's haskell
[09:57] <pr3d4t0r> brett-appengine: That won't work.  This is a
gathering of senior enterprise guys, the kind who make decisions
(engineering, architecture) and they want to know what's actually
there, not what might be there :)
[09:57] <pr3d4t0r> gvanrossum: w00t!
[09:57] * cdent would love to see a haskell gae
[09:57] <nickjohnson> I had my heart set on an esoteric language
[09:58] <nickjohnson> At least they're easy to sandbox
[09:58] * Wooble would love to see a fully functional FORTRAN runtime
released on April 1st.
[09:58] <dan_google> Wooble: You could probably implement Fortran in
Python for this purpose.  :)
[09:59] <pr3d4t0r> gvanrossum: The presentation leans more heavily
toward EC2/Nirvanix/Rackspace cloud instead of App Engine right now,
mostly because of the tools and protocols supported.  I'd love to have
more infos here for that reason, to convince the philistines that App
Engine is a viable option.
[10:00] <dan_google> gotta go.  see y'all
[10:01] <cdent> pr3d4t0r: i don't know if it will work with the crowd
you're talking to, but to me the app engine benefit is constraint:
limited number of things to think about
[10:02] <nickjohnson> There's also the relative maturity of the
platforms to consider
[10:02] <nickjohnson> EC2 has been around a long time, and has
acquired a lot of features it didn't have at launch. :)
[10:02] <pr3d4t0r> cdent: That translates into "non-mission critical
stuff == good" :)
[10:05] <bFlood> nickjohnson - cool stuff with geocell. the main
problem I had was getting enough entities out of the datastore to test
against the filter geom (point,line,poly). with grids I can work with
a lot more data per request (without a huge amount of datstore hits)
[10:09] <bFlood> hey jasonbirch - fancy seeing you here
[10:09] <MatanCro> hey
[10:10] <jasonbirch> hey bFlood ; shhh :)
[10:10] <jasonbirch> I'm supposed to be working...
[10:10] <bFlood> jasonbirch - mums the word
[10:10] <scudder_google> We're just a bit over an hour now, so I'm
going to call the "official" chat session closed. Some of us will hang
around for a while longer.
[10:11] <scudder_google> Thanks for all of the great questions and
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