
我问的是字符串属性部分匹配的问题。按你的方法,只能匹配开头。需要匹配中间的时候,比如在前例里,查找含有 ccc 的对象,该怎么做?

HOW to select the entity with "ccc" in strprop then?

On 4月19日, 上午12时08分, 风笑雪 <kea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can read this 
> document:http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/queriesandinde...
> Give you a sample code:
> class M(db.Model):
>   s = db.StringProperty()
> class H(webapp.RequestHandler):
>   def get(self):
>     M(s='aaa bbb ccc ddd').put()
>     M(s='eee ddd ccc fff').put()
>     M(s='eee').put()
>     M(s='eee ').put()
>     M(s='eef').put()
>     entities = M.all().filter('s >= ', 'eee').filter('s <= ', u'eee' +
> u'\ufffd').fetch(10)
>     # u'\ufffd' is the largest possible Unicode character
>     for entity in entities:
>       self.response.out.write(entity.s + '<br />')
> Result:
> eee ddd ccc fff
> eee
> eee
> 2009/4/18 saintthor <saintt...@gmail.com>
> > entities1.strprop = "aaa bbb ccc ddd"
> > entities2.strprop = "eee ddd ccc fff"
> > using qerry or gql, HOW to select the entity with "eee" in strprop?
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