There is nothing preventing you from doing bulk uploading in Java. All you
need to do is batch your puts.
Also for long running threads and analysis it is possible that AppEngine is
not the right framework. That said you can always use AppEngine as a backing
store if that makes sense for your application and use the remote API to
grab the data you want to process, munge them on some other machine (or
clusters of machines) and then put the results back. This will cost
bandwidth and db ops of course.

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:20 PM, leazar <> wrote:

> Alkis...your right, I was doing them one at a time and will look at
> batching them.
> I saw the bulkloader, I was hoping to avoid venturing into Python :)
> Wooble...I'm beginning to come to the same conclusion: long running
> threads for data analysis is not what AppEngine is set up to do.
> Leazar
> On Apr 22, 8:56 am, Wooble <> wrote:
> > On Apr 21, 10:49 pm, leazar <> wrote:
> >
> > > I'm hoping
> > > to use Google AppEngine to get an economy of scale in my analysis.
> >
> > I think you'll find that analyzing massive amounts of data is one of
> > the things App Engine is the worst at.
> >
> > Long running processes might change this in the future, but right now,
> > this sounds like it will frustrate you very very much.
> >



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