And, I should add, this works perfecty (and quickly) from the
development server's datastore.

On Apr 29, 8:31 am, tayknight <> wrote:
> I have a problem. I'm getting datastore timeouts when doing reads. The
> code finished about 5% of the time. The code looks like:
> alerts = Alert.all().filter('expires >= ',
> # ge active alerts
> for alert in alerts:
>   #get the db.Keys from the ListProperty
>   zones = ZoneMaster.get(alert.zones)
>   for zone in zones:
>     if zone:
>       #get the users for this zone
>       if zone.siteusers:
>         us = SiteUser.get(zone.siteusers)
>           for u in us:
>             if u:
>               self.response.out.write( + '<br />')
> The Model looks like:
> class Alert(db.Model):
>   effective = db.DateTimeProperty()
>   expires = db.DateTimeProperty()
>   zones = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
> class ZoneMaster(db.Model):
>   siteusers = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
> class SiteUser(db.Model):
>   name = db.StringProperty()
>   zone = db.ReferenceProperty(ZoneMaster)
> This code is repeatably timing out with a "Timeout: datastore timeout:
> operation took too long." error.
> I'm not doing any writes. All the reads are by key (that come from a
> ListProperty). Why would this be timing out?
> Thanks.
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