
I have this simple code below to paginate on a list of items that
include a datetime property named 'dCreated' ( dCreated =
db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)  )

offset = self.request.get('offset')
offsetNext = None

query = Subscription.all().order("-dCreated")

if offset != "":
   query.filter("dCreated <=", offset)

aItems = query.fetch(limit=21)

if len(aItems) == 21:
   offsetNext  = aItems[-1].dCreated
   aItems       = aItems[:20]

...then I put offsetNext and aItems in the template and render it.
the next page is called with offsetNext as offset in the url (...?
offset={{offsetNext}} )

the listing works and the items are sorted properly, but it never
change page, the filter on dCreated clearly doesn't have any effect.

any idea what I'm doing wrong?

many thanks for the help

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