Hi Nick,

Thanks for your reply.

Here's a typical use case for me.  I often have methods like this:

def facebook_user_cache_key(uid):
  return str(uid) + "_fbuser"

def get_facebook_user(uid):
  u = memcache.get(facebook_user_cache_key(uid))
  if u == None:
    uid = int(uid)
    u = FacebookUser.all().filter('uid = ',uid).get()
    if not u:
      u = FacebookUser(uid=uid)
  return u

and I often get support emails from users, and would often like to be
able to dive in to the remote api console and load up their entity by
typing in get_facebook_user(THEIR_UID).

this is a trivial example - in some of the apps I have several layers
of entity that need to be loaded.  I already have great convenience
methods for dealing with this process, but I can't use them in remote
api because they rely on memcache.  so either I implement a
dont_use_memcache param, or else I write parallel methods that don't
use memcache.

or, another even simpler use case -- sometimes I update an entity, and
then want to delete any affected cache.

but HEY, are you calling me not dedicated?  them's fighting words.
will break open the source.


On May 26, 4:31 pm, "Nick Johnson (Google)" <nick.john...@google.com>
> Hi Ben,
> Out of curiosity, what's your use case for accessing Memcache over
> remote_api? The main reason we didn't support it automatically is
> because there didn't seem to be any obvious reason why you'd want to
> use Memcache remotely.
> Also, note that a dedicated user can actually add support for extra
> services to remote_api relatively easily. :)
> -Nick Johnson
> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 10:17 PM, BenNevile<ben.nev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Just wanted to mention that I created a new issue requesting support
> > for memcache in the remote api console.  I searched but didn't find
> > any existing similar requests.
> >http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=1596
> > Would be a big help.  If this is of interest to you, please give 'er a
> > star.
> > Ben
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