ps. was never able to get any consistent behaviour here.  have
resorted to using Firefox with just one single google account and
using Safari for everything else.  (I jump between three google
accounts all day - 2 related to an apps domain, one a regular


On May 5, 7:54 am, Ben Nevile <> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> I am running Safari 4.  Clearing cookies doesn't work.  I will test
> Firefox today.
> I don't think I'm doing anything in particular when I'm redirected.
> I'd estimate that the amount of time before I'm redirected is about
> 5-10 mins on average.
> On May 4, 4:13 pm, "Jason (Google)" <> wrote:
> > Hi Ben. Which browser are you running? Have you tried using a different
> > browser or clearing your cookies to see if this flippant behavior stops?
> > Just to get a better idea of your problem, are you doing anything in
> > particular between when you're able to work in the Admin Console and when
> > you're being redirected to the standard sign-in? Or is it just one click
> > you're fine and the next you're redirected? How many minutes on average
> > before this happens?
> > - Jason
> > On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 1:09 PM, BenNevile<> wrote:
> > > I administer most of my apps through a Google Apps account:
> > >  Recently the application console started asking
> > > me FREQUENTLY to log in.  It bounces me to the regular "sign in with
> > > your google account" page.  If I just go directly back to
> > >, it doesn't ask me to log
> > > in, and I can get back to the app console for a few minutes.
> > > I used to be able to mess around all day in the application console
> > > without this happening.  What changed?
> > > Ben
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