Hi everyone,

Hopefully someone can shine some light into this "weirdness" aka bug.
I did a Delete mapper (http://pastie.org/private/
rq2sa6zaxkmqcohide7ppa) as instructed in the docs to mass. delete the
data in the datastore.

I wanted to do this because I had a major revision in my models and I
did not want to map/migrate them into the new form. Specifically, I
had noticed that the app engine patch (http://code.google.com/p/app-
engine-patch/) had been prepending 'myapp_%s' to the kinds of my
models. I turned off this setting by changing it in the settings.py
file with: `DJANGO_STYLE_MODEL_KIND = False`

So I went ahead and started to delete everything, and I kept getting
Timedout by the datastore. So I reduced the number of entities to
delete as well as did a time.sleep(2) between every delete. This
reduced significantly the number of timeouts.

I went ahead and appcfg.py update ./ with the new models and settings
updated to prevent the myapp_ inclusion in the kind. I've noticed,
however, that the data viewer has yet to:

  1. remove the old myapp_* kinds
  2. include the "new" kinds
  3. 500 error for: 
where * is the kind. For example Storage.

My app_id is cametrics.


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