Hi Shane

You might also be interested in GAE's full-text indexing

I don't quite understand all of the technical nuances but this thread
might point you in the right direction...



On Jun 2, 9:45 pm, Shane <shanelstev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Thanks for your responses, very helpful!
> I intend on programming in Java instead of Python, given it's
> similarity to C++ for me, so can you recommend a Java session library
> like Beaker?
> Cheers,
> Shane
> On Jun 3, 3:42 am, "Nick Johnson (Google)" <nick.john...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Shane,
> > Good questions! Replies inline.
> > On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 7:32 AM, Shane <shanelstev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > Having watched what is possible with GWT and GAE during the Wave
> > > keynote, I feel inspired to to finally delve into Web programming!
> > > I am an extremely experienced programmer, but my experience has been
> > > 20+ years in C/C++ in the video game industry (C64->MAC/PC->PS3), so
> > > please excuse me if I these questions are stupid/too basic; I feel
> > > like a total n00b in this domain.  I just want to get my head around a
> > > few things, and hopefully get pointed in the right direction, before I
> > > start.
> > > In short, I love the fact that there is no concept of a 'server'
> > > running an instance of my app, or some database server.  I love that
> > > the physical architecture is completely abstracted away, allowing
> > > applications to scale.  However this leads me to my questions:
> > > 1. Given HTTP requests are stateless, how does my app in the cloud
> > > keep track of data between requests? Do I store what I need into a
> > > cloud state object?
> > This depends on the nature of the data. For per-user data, it's standard to
> > use cookie-based sessions, or if the user is logged in with the Users API,
> > you can store data keyed off their user ID. Since App Engine is distributed
> > across many computers, you need to store this in the datastore and/or
> > memcache so it's accessible from all instances.
> > > 2. What is considered a session request? I.e. Does GAE see HTTP
> > > requests from a certain IP address as a session? Or is some sort of
> > > session ID stored on the client and transmitted with each HTTP Get?
> > HTTP - and App Engine - have no built in concept of sessions. It's up to you
> > to build session support on top of it, usually using cookies as outlined
> > above. If you want a straightforward session implementation for Python,
> > Beaker is one:  http://beaker.groovie.org/
> > > 3. How does GAE authenticate users?  How does GAE ensure the requests
> > > are coming from the real client, and not a man-in-the-middle?
> > If you want to use the Users API, users are authenticated by redirecting
> > them to a page on Google's servers, where they sign in. This page is served
> > over HTTPS, to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and to protect the
> > confidentiality of their password. Once they're signed in, they're
> > redirected back to a special URL on your app (which is not directly
> > accessible to your code) with a URL containing an authentication token. The
> > special URL verifies the authentication token, issues a cookie for the user,
> > and finally redirects back to your handler. Subsequent requests check for
> > the presence of the cookie and use it to verify the logged-in user.
> > > I guess my questions are all centering around the problem of, what is
> > > a session, and how do I deal with it?
> > > Once I understand this, then I will know how to customise my
> > > application to a user, keep track of data between page requests and
> > > remember information about them and be on my way.
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > Shane
> > -Nick Johnson
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