You need to tell eclipse to use the sdk's jre. In the menu windows >
preferences go to branch Java > Installed JREs and add your sdk
directory there, and select the checkbox on its left.


On Jun 5, 12:31 am, birds fly <> wrote:
> The error ,I got too. You are java environment config not correct.
> and maybe you were App Enginer Eclipse Java Environment config error.
> 2009/6/5 nikhil bharadwaj <>
> > I was developing a web app with a few static html's , jsp's and servlets.
> > I got this error message:
> > Compiling module com.webapp.sampleapp.Sample_Application_Test
> >    Compiling 5 permutations
> >       Permutation compile succeeded
> >    Linking into war
> >       Link succeeded
> >    Compilation succeeded -- 36.609s
> > Creating staging directory
> > Scanning for jsp files.
> > Compiling jsp files.
> > Compiling java files.
> > *java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot find javac executable based on
> > java.home, tried "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javac.exe" and "C:\Program
> > Files\Java\bin\javac.exe"*
> > Can someone suggest how to proceed?
> > Debugging information may be found in C:\Documents and
> > Settings\Nikhil\Local Settings\Temp\appengine-deploy25632.log
> > --
> > Thanks and Regards,
> > Nikhil B. Bharadwaj
> > Student
> > MLR Institute of Technology (
> > (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University)
> >
> >
> >
> > "I have felt it and lived it and now it leaves me here, love is the
> > ultimate pain and joy, without it you die with it you perish. "

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