Here is an example from my own code.

I have an object:

from google.appengine.ext import db
from Owner import Owner

class ImageFile(db.Model):
    owner = db.ReferenceProperty(Owner)
    caption = db.StringProperty()
    description = db.TextProperty()
    image = db.BlobProperty()
    date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    public = db.BooleanProperty()

I have an update method within another class that has this import

from json import JsonReader

The image data gets updated via this post method on the class:

    def post(self):
       reader = JsonReader()
       currentUser = getCurrentUserOwner()
       tempImage =
       if not currentUser is None:
           requestedImage = db.get(tempImage['key'])
           if requestedImage.owner.key() == currentUser.key():
               requestedImage.caption = tempImage['caption']
               requestedImage.description = tempImage['description']
               requestedImage.public = tempImage['public']

This is from an intro talk I gave on App Engine. If anyone wants the full
source, you can get it at
aspx (it's a short post, link is included!).

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of deostroll
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 2:37 AM
To: Google App Engine
Subject: [google-appengine] Re: necessary libs for parsing json?

Now I want to know how to parse?


PS: I've nev done this exercise before. I just don't understand what
next to do after dumps()...

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