Hi Folks,
I experience a strange situation, which needs some explanation as the
sequence op steps might have caused this problem.

Step 1: I created more than one year ago my first application in
Google App Engine using a Google App Acount (here) called X.

Step 2: I created a second, a third and a fourth AppEngine name using
account X, so total of 4 applications. All were displayed in the admin

Step 3 : I created a new Google Account (called Y) --> This is a Gmail
account, not an App Engine account!

Step 4: I allowed account Y to become administrator of my first Google
App Engine application, So far so good: 2 admins!

Step 5:  Today I tried to create with account X (is admin) a new
Google App Engine application. The system accepts the new application
name  but when i finished this process, no new application name
appeared in the admin console (the screen you see when you login). The
number of available Google App Engine applications went anyhow down
from 10 to 9.

Another big surprise i got: all my other applications made with
account X (so the second, third and fourth mentioned in step 2) were
gone!!!!. As far as i know you cannot delete applications. I have
never found or seen such a function. My older application names are
not listed anymore. Only 1 application is shown and that was my first
from step1 !!
The application counter shows that I still have 9 applications
available....... Weird...strange..strange..strange.... Lucky me these
apps were not the important ones...

Step 6: I retried to create again a new Google App Engine application
with again a new name, but no new things appear in the admin console,
nevertheless the counter went down again: The number of available
Google App Engine applications went down from 9 to 8.

Step 7: after 30-60 minutes waiting NO new Google App Engine
application name has appeared in the console. So what is happening
here?  Logging on with account Y does not show them (which would be
even more strange when that would have happened).

I am stuck here: 3 apps gone en no new one can be created.

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