Morten Bek Ditlevsen writes:
 > Hi there,
 > I have an entity with a list property containing keys:
 >   favorites = db.ListProperty(db.Key, indexed=False)
 > I suddenly came to wonder:
 > If I check if a key is in the list like this:
 > if thekey in user.favorites:
 > will that by any chance try and fetch any entities in the user.favorites
 > list?
 > I don't think so, but I would like to make sure! :-)

When you do foo in bar it's actually calling Python methods, not the datastore 
ops., and since
Python sees favorites as a list of keys it should not fetch the entities.

If you were to do index this and do it in datastore side ("WHERE favorites = 
thekey") it might have to
"un-marshal" the property and do a normal lookup, but I don't think the 
slowdown is noticeable.


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