That worked, thank you Ian!

On Jul 15, 1:24 am, Ian Lewis <> wrote:
> Ben,
> It looks like filter will add a filter to the existing query object (instead
> of creating a new query object like django does) but the fetch method will
> retrieve the objects and return them immediately without modifying the
> query. You should do something like:
> items_list = items.fetch(10)
> and then pass the items_list to your template.
> Ian
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Ben <> wrote:
> > Hi, i am trying to limit the number of results returned on a query to
> > 10, but i seem to be getting all results back instead of just 10.  Am
> > i missing something with the fetch syntax?
> > -----code-----
> >    items = Item.all()
> >    items.filter('adminOnly = ', False)
> >    items.filter('status = ', 2)
> >    items.order('-wins')
> >    items.fetch(limit=10)
> >    template_values = {
> >      'userInfo': userInfo,
> >      'appDetails': appConfig.details,
> >      'items': items,
> >      'links': links,
> >      }
> > -----/code----
> > when i iterate through the results via django in the template it
> > appears the query is properly applying the filters, and the order, but
> > is returning all results that meet that criteria instead of just the
> > first 10.
> --
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