I guess taking a couple day off from the problem helped.  When the
issue started I thought the fact that every time the file was reloaded
it worked was strange. I realized why today.

The issue is in how I was defining my "placeholder" properties.  From
the documentation I was, incorrectly, under the impression that any
model members beginning with an underscore (_) were treated similar to
the other members -- i.e. they are initialized for every instance.
This is NOT the case.  The _members list was growing, until the model
was freshly reloaded into memory.  I had printed the _members list,
BUT I just had not run through enough combinations with it printing to
see the issue happen.


On Jul 31, 9:47 pm, Holger <w...@arcor.de> wrote:
> You tested deleting them one by one out of transaction. Did you test a
> version without ancestor relations set too? (Just these relations may
> be the reason, as change is blocked within an ancestor group as long
> as another change is not finished.)
> If such tests don't help, maybe it's an appengine issue. In your place
> I would create some demo code and upload it to a test page with two
> buttons (create 10 items, delete 5 items) always showing the resulting
> number, thus demonstrating that deleting sometimes failes.
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