Using a slice of the query treated as an iterable is almost certainly
a bad idea.  Try rewriting as:

listings = Listing.all().filter("created <=", str(now)).order('-

On Aug 24, 5:03 pm, Nefarious <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an incredibly simple query that looks like this:
> listings = Listing.all().filter("created <=", str(now)).order('-
> created')[:10]
> Currently, it is looking through about 12 records (and returning up to
> 10), now is a datetime.  This regularly times out!  How can such a
> simple query with almost no data to look through timeout regularly
> (like 50% of the time)?
> I thought maybe it was because I didn't create an index for the
> descending situation.  So I added this to index.yaml:
> - kind: Listing
>   properties:
>   - name: created
>     direction: desc
> But, during upload, I am told this:
> Error 400: --- begin server output ---
> Creating a composite index failed: This index:
> entity_type: "Listing"
> ancestor: false
> Property {
>   name: "created"
>   direction: 2
> }
> is not necessary, since single-property indices are built in. Please
> remove it from your index file and upgrade to the latest version of
> the SDK, if you haven't already.
> Any ideas?
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