On Aug 29, 4:41 pm, yoyoteng <yoyot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> One question to you GAE experts. I'm using the python version by the
> way.
> I'd like to create a form in Google App Engine with 2 fields, say A
> and B, and the choices of field B is restricted by A.  For example, A
> have choices ['a', 'b'], and B have choices ['a-a','a-b','b-c','b-d'].
> and if A is selected to be 'a', then the choices for B will only have
> ['a-a','a-b'], while if A is selected to be 'b', then the choices for
> B will only have 'b-c', 'b-d'.
> I've tried searching for some possible solutions [1,2,3], and they all
> require use of python AND javascripts, where javascripts are used to
> filter out the choices of a field (whatever that means... I only have
> 2 months experience in this GAE/django-like framework, and no
> experience in javascripts).
> As of now, I am planning to use the method provided in [1], but I was
> hoping if there is any other way to implement this sort of dynamically
> changing forms without using javascripts?
> [1]http://bradmontgomery.blogspot.com/2008/11/simple-django-example-with...
> [2]http://www.nerdydork.com/dynamic-filtered-drop-down-choice-fields-wit...
> [3]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/796466/how-to-limit-choice-field-o...
Sort of, primitively, yes, meta refreshing elements or whole page,
dhtml or iframe however all standard ways doing this common component
depends on javascript.
I too plan something more userfriendly than interdependent menus. A
textonly app version is very usable since we can't expect all users to
have a windowmanager for very fast textbrowsers lynx or links running
without a windowmanager.
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