That actually tells me why I experience some issues from time to time.
This is how I have worked around these kind of "limit" feature (and
note I have called it a "feature" and not an issue - coding for the
cloud means living in a community where some entity will have to
police use of resources and ensure apps are well behaved citizens).

(1) I use task queues and go parallel like there is no tomorrow.
Everything I do (save for things that respond to the client side in a
symmetric form) is asymmetric and uses task queues. I use the same
task queue (really, no need to do more unless you need to worry about
order of execution - which I don't - or "explicit" (not GAE imposed)
re-execution of the same task (persistent tasks - multi-state tasks).
Of course, when firing off rapidly to the same task queue (and the
same handler - which is what I do), then you push against GAE rules re
concurrent and/or request/second ceilings. So, what I do is I use the
same servlet (oh, this is all Java, but the same rules apply to Python
apps) but with with different endpoints (in my web.xml, I have
multiple ones pointing to the same 'class' servlet). Then I use a
random number generator to choose which endpoint will be used for a
particular task queue operation [remember, unless you use the data
store, piggyback data, or use memcache, you do not share data across
servlets (and/or instances of the same servlet) - in fact, I code to
put myself in situations (as I rely on the parallel nature of the
engine) where I do not need to sync activities and use of same
resources (in some cases, I have to, and I use memcache -- but I am
learning not to sync at all and rely on best effort basis (almost
heuristic in nature).]

The end result is that I break down any activity to unrelated
activities and I let them run in the background while I return to the
client with some registration key for retrieving results. How does
that work? Easy. It is almost like wave (to the user) but it is not
wave - so I call it "wnw"). That's a totally different discussion.
Anyway, what the user sees is quick feedback. What the server gets to
do is jobs that run (if needed) for 2 years on GAE without running
against any limit - well, make sure it is a PAID account). All things
happen in parallel (so, GAE is in fact very fast for me - no complains
there). I make sure I watch for datasource and other errors - and I do
lots of retries and other things to make it fail-safe et cetera.

(2) My units of work (tasks - endpoints that run tasks) can be run
multiple times; they actually store their last known run state
(consistently) encoded in the message data itself. If a task is not
complete, it re-queues itself with the new state info; if it can't
(because GAE kills it), it tries again.

(3) I consider GAE issues as its features and its source of strength;
I think alignment and I take advantage by coding for it; I have a hard
real-time embedded (highly pervasive) background as well, and to me,
GAE is a soft real-time OS. Code for it in that context. Nothing
should take more than 3 seconds to run (in this case). If it does,
break it down. Use persistent tasks - as I explained - to do long
activities (will post something to my blog in a week or so once I am
passed doing some demo projects). Take advantage of parallel nature of
things; but that will affect how coordinate with the client side and
increases communications overhead. Think of task queue as a big
eventbus. That's what it is anyway. Code for that.

If you consider these, then app engine is a unique system that gives
you max throughout without you having to run servers. Now, that is
really unique these days. Why stress test ... assume failure is part
of the process. Code for it -- at client and server end. Try try try.

There has never been a good solution (ever) for hiding idiosyncrasies
of highly "geographically" distributed/redundant systems. GAE acts as
if it does, but you get the unexpected failures. Code for it.

Bob/babakm, developer @

On Sep 24, 6:07 am, "Nick Johnson (Google)" <>
> Hi David,
> As long as you don't intend to exceed 30 concurrent requests (about 400qps
> if your requests take 75 milliseconds each), there's no need to notify us.
> -Nick Johnson
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Dai bok <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am busy stress testing my application, and I just thought that it
> > might be an idea to let the people at google know that I inented to
> > test some sections of my application that may come under high load.
> > What is the policy for this? Do I need to let GAE admins know about
> > this? Who should I contact?
> > Thanks for your time,
> > David
> --
> Nick Johnson, Developer Programs Engineer, App Engine
> Google Ireland Ltd. :: Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Registration Number:
> 368047
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