This is said because the datastore has cheap diskspace and there isn't
good support for joins here.

However, we'll "relearn" why normalization is good.

Denormalization means that what would normally modify a single cell
will have to modify many rows.  This isn't ideal in a relational
database, nor in the datastore.

I wouldn't drink the "normalization isn't for the datastore" coolaid
too much. ;)

On Sep 28, 6:06 pm, Wooble <> wrote:
> The datastore isn't a relational database, so articles about
> relational databases for the most part don't apply.
> On Sep 28, 7:54 am, jerry ramphisa <> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > I hear normalizing the database is bad if you are using google
> > datastore. On other other hand, most articles mention people should
> > normalize databases, it doesn't matter what kind.
> > Can someone give me light here.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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