Thanks for the help guys. I think this is an important matter to have
cleared up.

It's bedtime here (GMT+7) however tomorrow I think I will do some
benchmarks along the lines of the example I wrote up in the SO

At this point I would think the safest thing would be to completely
change the model name, thereby guaranteeing that you will be writing
entities with fresh keys. However I suspect it's not necessary to go
that far. I'm thinking that on the production datastore, changing the
model definition and then re-put()ing the entity will be what's
required to realize a speed benefit when reducing the number of
properties on a model. But the facts will speak for themselves.

On Oct 11, 12:17 am, Andy Freeman <> wrote:
> > In other words: if I want to reduce the size of my entities, is
> > it necessary to migrate the old entities to ones with the new
> > definition?
> I'm pretty sure that the answer to that is yes.
> >              If so, is it sufficient to re-put() the entity, or must I
> > save under a wholly new key?
> I think that it should be sufficient re-put() but decided to test that
> hypothesis.
> It isn't sufficient in the SDK - the SDK admin console continues to
> show values for properties that you've deleted from the model
> definition after the re-put().  Yes, I checked to make sure that those
> properties didn't have values before the re-put().
> I did the get and re-put() in a transaction, namely:
> def txn(key):
>     obj = Model.get(key)
>     obj.put()
> assert db.run_in_transaction(txn, key)
> I tried two things to get around this problem.  The first was to add
> db.delete(obj.key()) right before obj.put().  (You can't do obj.delete
> because that trashes the obj.)
> The second was to add "obj.old_property = None" right before the
> obj.put() (old_property is the name of the property that I deleted
> from Model's definition.)
> Neither one worked.  According to the SDK's datastore viewer, existing
> instances of Model continued to have values for old_property after I
> updated them with that transaction even with the two changes, together
> or separately.
> If this is also true of the production datastore, this is a big deal.
> On Oct 10, 4:44 am, Jason Smith <> wrote:
> > Hi, group. My app's main cost (in dollars and response time) is in the
> > db.get([list, of, keys, here]) call in some very high-trafficked code.
> > I want to pare down the size of that model to the bare minimum with
> > the hope of reducing the time and CPU fee for this very common
> > activity. Many users who are experiencing growth in the app popularity
> > probably have this objective as well.
> > I have two questions that hopefully others are thinking about too.
> > 1. Can I expect the API time of a db.get() with several hundred keys
> > to reduce roughly linearly as I reduce the size of the entity?
> > Currently the entity has the following data attached: 9 String, 9
> > Boolean, 8 Integer, 1 GeoPt, 2 DateTime, 1 Text (avg size ~100 bytes
> > FWIW), 1 Reference, 1 StringList (avg size 500 bytes). The goal is to
> > move the vast majority of this data to related classes so that the
> > core fetch of the main model will be quick.
> > 2. If I do not change the name of the entity (i.e. just delete all the
> > db.*Property definitions in the model), will I still incur the same
> > high cost fetching existing entities? The documentation says that all
> > properties of a model are fetched simultaneously. Will the old
> > unneeded properties still transfer over RPC on my dime and while users
> > wait? In other words: if I want to reduce the size of my entities, is
> > it necessary to migrate the old entities to ones with the new
> > definition? If so, is it sufficient to re-put() the entity, or must I
> > save under a wholly new key?
> > Thanks very much to anyone who knows about this matter!
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