but I am trying to get my head round the Google Apps Engine.

I am not a developer in anyway shape or form, but for my sins, what I
do understand is developing Domino applications, so I am trying to
understand the whole GAE process in that context.

Could someone fill in the blanks/confirm my understanding?

NSF = Google datastore?
Domino Form = how end users input information into NSF but what is the
GAE equivalent?  Is it just as simple as a html form?
Domino View = how to render that imputted data in a sensible manner
back to the user accessing the NSF. And again what is the GAE
agents = little programs that can manuipulate the data, alert when
conditions are meet etc.  This bit is is a bit more straightforward to
me - scheduled scripts that check, amend, alert as appropriate.
scripts in domino are written with Formular language, lotusscript etc
- this is replaced by python in GAE?
Access control - can be governed as part of the google apps account
where necessary.

As a real world example,  if I create a holiday request application in
domino, I would create a new database, have a form which users would
fill in stating name and dates requested, on saving this form, a
notification would be generated to the manager in question, the
manager would then go the request, authorize/deny the holiday, mark
the request as complete and a notification of authorization/rejection
sent back to the requestor.

Essentially if you can help me get my head round the GAE equals I'd be
very grateful


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