Hi I'm from Argentina i'm having a lot of troubles getting started on
App Engine. At my work they givme a week (this week) to test the
framework and evaluate how usefull can be to develop here our future
applications. It was very frustating to realize that on monday none of
the cell phone i ve tryed (from 3 differents carriers present here in
Argentina) receive any of thoses activation codes. on Thuesday my hope
get pumped when I saw a link to post a message telling my problem
(http://appengine.google.com/waitlist/sms_issues ) and supposely it
will be answered in "one or two days".

On thursday (2 days afters) I'm realising that i have no answer yet
and I 'm affraid to get friday without any response... that will be
broke completly the previous schedule we have made... I understand
that app engine is in beta testing and you need some control to avoid
an explosive growing... but you can do a very simple criteria,
enabling little (on trafic / processors)  applications to work without
any registration and put the SMS telefone activating sistem to bigger

please... I need to be activated as soon is possible!

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