Nice job encoding the necessary info in keys :)

Is there value in putting the MessageRead entity in the same entity
group as the message?

Not sure but don't think you'd need updates to MessageRead to be
transactional with any updates to Message or other MessageRead
entities for the same message?

Keep them in their own entity groups and you won't have a contention
problem. A write behind cache could still be useful for reducing
writes though, if you can handle the risk of the odd dropped update.

On Dec 2, 4:43 am, Julian Namaro <> wrote:
> There is a better solution to this problem.
> You can use a special entity MessageRead with no property and a
> key_name= message_id + recipient_id
> indexes = keys_only query on MessageIndexes
> for k in indexes:
>   keys.append( k.parent() )
>   keys.append( db.Key.from_path('MessageRead', k.parent().id() +
> recipient_id) )
> messages = db.get(keys)
> You can put MessageRead in the same entity group than Message to do
> transactional "mark as read", but then as Peterk said there might be
> contention if the message has thousands of recipients. The other
> option is to leave it a root entity and write it in a task queue after
> a message is read.
> On Nov 6, 1:35 am, Chris <> wrote:
> > Hi All
> > I'm looking for some input on Db.Model design for the following
> > scenario:
> > 1) A User can send a message which will to anywhere between 1 to 5000
> > receipients with 200-2000 receipients being by far the the most
> > common.
> > 2) Each recipient is expected to receive between 1 and 50 messages a
> > day.
> > 3) When a receipent has read a message it needs to be flagged as read.
> > For the distribtion of messages to receipients I took inspiration from
> > this
> > (About 16 minutes into the video) he suggests a model like this:
> > class Message(db.Model):
> >   sender=db.StringProperty()
> >   body=db.TextProperty()
> > class MessageIndex(db.Model):
> >   recipient = db.StringListProperty()
> > with Message and MessageIndex being in the same entity group. In short
> > the benefit to this design is supposedly that I can do a key only
> > query on
> > the MessageIndex for a particular user. From the MessageIndex keys
> > returned for the recepient I can extract the actual Message entity
> > keys and fetch those directly by key.
> > That's all well and good...but then I get to 3)...recipients needing
> > to flag messages as read. For that I'm contemplating something like
> > this:
> > class MessageReadIndex(db.Model):
> >   recipient=db.StringProperty()
> >   month=db.IntegerProperty()
> >   messagesRead = db.StringListProperty(indexed=False)
> > When a recipient asks for a list of messages it will be sorted by
> > date, newest messages first, and paged (think gmail).
> > In the same page request I can query the MessageReadIndex for the user
> > and month(s) in question. From here I can loop through each message in
> > memory and
> > check to see if it has already been read.
> > When the recipient clicks a message to read it I can also retrieve the
> > MessageReadIndex entity and append the Message Id to the messagesRead
> > property and put() the entity.
> > This last bit is what has be a bit worried. It will be quite a few
> > writes from every recipient every day...again think gmail ;-) Not
> > indexing the messagesRead
> > property should help minimize the number of index entries that need
> > updating ...but still. Am I being overly paranoid and prematurely
> > optimizing at an unreasonably
> > level? Does anybody have any better ideas as for how to handle this?
> > Thanks in advance for your CPU time!
> > /Chris


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