I have tried mapping two subdomains (www. & m.) under 1 python app on
my local dev server but it's not working yet. Do you have to edit a
SDK or other desktop file to do this? The app already works on a
mobile directory (localhost:8080/mobile/) but I would prefer to use
'm.localhost:8080' subdomain. Once the domain name is finally decided
I will change cnames to point towards ghs.google.com (google apps).

This link helped me out with mapping my domains on appengine (http://
stackoverflow.com/questions/838078/working-with-subdomain-in-g... )
but I haven't figured out how to test the domains locally yet, so I am
curious if it is possible to map a permanent sub domain (m.localhost:
8080) using the local appserver (python sdk).

Here's what I tried but failed:

applications = {
  'localhost:8080': webapp.WSGIApplication([
    ('/', MainHandler)]),
  'm.localhost:8080': webapp.WSGIApplication([
    ('/', MainHandler)]),

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':


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