
Before I get down in this and start running into dead ends, I wanted
to run this concept by all the people with experience and see if it
makes sense.

Basically I have a need for users to share data that starts as
personal spreadsheet files.  They aren't sharing pictures, music, or
any other data beyond a 4-column spreadsheet in a csv file.

Each user comes to the program with their own spreadsheet that's been
a part of a legacy computer program.  The data is accessed multiple
times daily.  Because each user's spreadsheet is local, it has evolved
and been customized and may look different than another user's local
data.  A user might have anywhere from 100 to 500 rows of data in
their spreadsheet.

So putting all of these spreadsheets on the web for collaboration is
the point of my project.  Collaboration would be at the row level, as
each is basically a record.

It seems pretty important that people be able to upload their original
file and also be able to download files from the collaboration site.

I've been following App Engine for a while now, I've been tinkering
with it, and I like it.  Up until recently I was working on a project
to prepare the spreadsheet (csv) files for upload by the web site.

The problem is:  Uploading a csv is an admin function.  It's not one
for basic users.  And the uploading part is important for my
application to be useful.  This seems like a dealbreaker.

I thought of having users email the csv file in and set up an
automatic import of those files, but I wonder how fast and reliable
that would be.  Any layer of difficulty -- each step between the user
and their data -- will discourage use.

So my next thought was google spreadsheets data API.  Here the user
could have all their csv files stored as spreadsheets.  This would
overcome the difficulty with user data uploads into App Engine.

Is this a reasonable thought?  Am I missing some really easy way to
set up a webform for user csv file uploads?  It really does seem like
the datastore is limited to just user blob uploads.  Is that right?

Thank you for any ideas/suggestions you might have.

Take care,


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