thanks for feedback. I'm continuing to experiment with GAE while
keeping my main app hosted. hope that Webtoolkit will be integrated in
next version--shouldn't have to use a framework to use G's own
On Jan 6, 3:24 pm, G <> wrote:
> I have been thinking about this very topic, even (re)considering
> PHP. :)
> You might want to look into using Django, or one of the other Python
> web frameworks, instead of the modified version running on AppEngine
> (the same could be said for the Java flavor).  There are a couple of
> free hosting services available.
> While not deep into AppEngine; my current impression is that AppEngine
> needs more time to mature as a development target.  Though some things
> are easier, a lot of time is wasted working around old bugs, design
> limitations, and incomplete implementations.  Server status
> information is also lacking, and feels more like a marketing mindset,
> where an honest 'five nines' mindset would be more useful. In my
> experience, the development speed benefits of Python (and Django) are
> lost to AppEngine trivia.  The promise of high scalability for data
> isn't exclusive to AppEngine, especially when memcached is the first
> line of defense, so even that is not an exclusive win.
> --
> G
> paulmo wrote:
> > thanks for links. I have read those. I should have stated that I have
> > created a guestbook app with GAE
> > as a trial to explore the datastore etc.
> > I was looking more for feedback from users who are deep in GAE and can
> > make a comparison:
> > Do you miss not having a relational database? Workarounds given my
> > situation of using 2 tables?
> > Are/can you use Google's webtoolkit or ajax/css apis without having to
> > deploy 3rd party apps?
> > Stuff like that...
> > On Jan 6, 9:07 am, Sylvain <> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I think most answers are here 
> > > :
> > > Do the "getting started", and everything will be clear.
> > > About django templates : you can use it (or not) or use static files
> > > (html, css, 
> > > js,...)
> > > You can create forms directly inside the code (without template) 
> > > :
> > > Hope it will help.
> > > Regards.
> > > On Jan 6, 1:33 pm, paulmo <> wrote:
> > > > I love all things Google, but I'm wondering if I should put in effort
> > > > to migrate to Python, Datastore and GAE.
> > > > My non-commercial app has two distinct text forms: one is a radio
> > > > selection and one is a text string that gets exploded and is searched
> > > > in elseif statements against arrays. The original message is posted to
> > > > 2 tables in MySQL: one with entire message, and another with exploded
> > > > array words. This second table is queried for most common words and
> > > > echoed in a datatable.
> > > > Both of these forms must be in same app.
> > > > My app also uses geo location and css/js libraries.
> > > > I'm confused about Django templates; I did not see any CSS/JS
> > > > "templates" per se in the docs; does a beginner do best with static
> > > > CSS/JS files?
> > > > The attraction of GAE seems to be doing everything in one interface/
> > > > set of tools, and I'd like to keep it that way: I don't need a bunch
> > > > of links and 3rd party apps.
> > > > Advice greatly appreciated.
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