Thank you for your help John.  It wasn't either of those issues, but
it did help me to look through the output and discover that there was
a miscellaneous tab character on an empty line that was interfering
with the processing of index.yaml.


On Dec 29 2009, 3:41 pm, John Gardner <> wrote:
> When you start your app and run the search, do you see a message that
> says something like:
> 2009-12-29 17:58:11,395] Updating .../
> index.yaml
> or do you see one that says
> "Detected manual index.yaml, won't update"?
> I have had a problem where the line enders will prevent updates.
> Going through subversion, for example, I'll end up with index.yaml
> with CRLF line enders on my OSX box, which doesn't seem to work with
> the development appserver, and may upload incorrectly as well.
> "dos2unix index.yaml" fixed my problem.
> On Dec 23, 3:01 am, Gayle Laakmann <> wrote:
> > Google App Engine is not updating my indexes, either manually or
> > automatically.
> > I added this index:
> > - kind: ForumPost
> >   properties:
> >   - name: visible
> >   - name: comment_count
> >     direction: desc
> > But if you go to, you'll
> > see an error message saying that that index doesn't exist.
> > I also tried adding this to the index.yaml file automatically, but it
> > doesn't work either.  Here's the start of my index.yaml file:
> > --- BEGIN FILE ---
> > indexes:
> > - kind: ForumPost
> >   properties:
> >   - name: visible
> >   - name: comment_count
> >     direction: desc
> > [more indexes]
> > --- END FILE ----
> > Also, when I log into the dashboard and click on "Indexes", it's also
> > not listed.  I'm not sure what else to try to fix this...
> > App ID: careercup

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