This may help

On Jan 26, 6:13 pm, BlueBlood <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm a newbie with GAE, I'm using JPA to access datastore and I'm
> having a problem querying datastore.
> I have successfully inserted a few record into datastore using JPA but
> I can not read them back from datastore.
> Following is my code to query datastore.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> EntityManager em = EMF.get().createEntityManager();
>                 Query query = em.createQuery("select t from
> com.test.dataschema.User_JPA as t");
>                 List<User_JPA> result = query.getResultList();
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> EMF class definition:
> package com.fineart.dataschema;
> import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
> import javax.persistence.Persistence;
> public final class EMF {
>         private static final EntityManagerFactory emfInstance =
>         Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("transactions-
> optional");
>     private EMF() {}
>     public static EntityManagerFactory get() {
>         return emfInstance;
>     }}
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> I would be so grateful if someone help me out.
> Thanks.

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