According to Google engineer, fetch entry by key is very fast. So you should
use fetch by key rather than manipulating the list. I think the B approach
will cost more CPU also.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 1:38 AM, johnP <> wrote:

> I'm trying to get my head around where to use the datastore for
> business logic, and where to use python code.  So just wanted to ask
> two "which approach is better" questions:
> Scenario 1.  For example, let's say you have a list of items, and you
> need to return both the selected item as well as the list of items.
> For example - a person has a bunch of cars:  [Honda, Ford, Porsche,
> Yugo, Trabaunt, Dusenberg].  You have stored the Yugo key as the
> person's 'active_car'.
>   You need to return:                 car, cars = Yugo, [Honda, Ford,
> Porsche, Yugo, Trabaunt, Dusenberg]
> Which approach is better to return the values...
> Approach A:     cars=person.car_set.fetch(1000)
>                       car = db.get(stored_car_key)
>                       return car, cars
> Approach B:     cars = person.car_set.fetch(1000)
>                       car = [i for i in cars if i.key() ==
> stored_car_key]
>                       return car, cars
> In other words - what's cheaper - the list comprehension, or the
> db.get().  If the person has 1000 cars, does the answer change?
> Scenario 2.  I have a list of 300 people (In my case, there will never
> be more than 1000) that I need to slice and dice in different ways.
> a.  Need them all, by last name, from California.  b.  Need people
> between the ages of 25 and 35 in California.  c.  Need people over 300
> lbs in California.  Which approach should I use:
> Approach A:  Create multiple queries:
>                     a.  people =
> state.people_set.order('last_name').fetch(1000)
>                     b.  people =
> state.people_set.order('age').filter('age >', 35).etc.
>                     c.  people =
> state.people_set.order(weight').filter('weight >', 300).etc.
> Approach B:  Memcache the entire list of people, and
> list_comprehension them into submission.  For example:
>                   def return_people_by_last_name():
>                         people = get_all_people_from_memcache()
>                         sort_list = [(i.last_name, i) for i in people
> if i.state == state]
>                         sort_list.sort()
>                         return [i[1] for i in sort_list]
>                   def sort_people_by_weight():
>                          similar to above...
> In approach A, you'll be bearing the cost of additional indexes, as
> well as bearing the cost that most of your returns will be hits to the
> database.  In approach B, you might be pulling 300 People from
> memcache in order to return a single 300 pounder.
> Answers to these two questions might give me a better sense of when to
> hit the datastore for business logic, and when to process using python
> code.
> Thanks!
> johnP
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Stay hungry,Stay foolish.

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