template.render returns you the contents of the template, and you are
trying to provide that to the src attribute.  The src attribute should
be the LOCATION, not the content.

See http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tag_iframe.asp

Should be something like:
self.response.out.write('<iframe src="myframe" width="600"

(and then your 'myframe' url returns the contents you currently have
in x).

On Feb 25, 7:49 pm, sjh <sjh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I am having a nightmare of a time trying to figure out how to get the
> google chart api to work with GAE. I can use a template to generate my
> chart but I need to put that output into a a frame and I am stuck.
> Here is the call:
> def post(self):
>         mytitle ='"Hello World"'
>         mydata='t:40,20,50,20,100|10,10,10,10,10'
>         template_values = {'mytitle': mytitle,
>                            'mydata': mydata}
>         path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "index.html")
>         x=template.render(path, template_values)
>         self.response.out.write('<iframe src="x" width="600"
> height="400"></iframe>')
> X -- marks where I am stuck
> Here is the template (index.html)
> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
>   <head>
>   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /
>   <script type='application/javascript'>
>     // Send the POST when the page is loaded,
>     // which will replace this whole page with the retrieved chart.
>     function loadGraph() {
>       var frm = document.getElementById('post_form');
>       if (frm) {
>        frm.submit();
>       }
>     }
>   </script>
>   </head>
>   <body onload="loadGraph()">
>   <form action='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart'method='POST'
> id='post_form'>
>     <input type="hidden" name="cht" value="s"  />
>   <input type="hidden" name="chtt" value={{ mytitle }}  />
>   <input type='hidden' name='chs' value='600x400' />
>   <input type="hidden" name="chxt" value="x,y" />
>   <input type='hidden' name='chd' value={{ mydata }} />
>   <input type="submit"  value='show plot'/>
> </form>
> </html>
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
> thanks, Simon

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