On Mar 5, 9:10 am, Chris <cskjoldb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Right now you guys have to make GAE _both_ reliable and fast.
> That's what we expect. It may very well be next to impossible
> to do both but you have to keep trying...and having a bunch of
> hard-core GAE engineers continously trying will probably land
> us all in a pretty happy place a year or two down the line ;-)

On Mar 18, 2:33 am, Jan Z <jan.zawad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> By making distinctions such as this one, you're fundamentally shifting
> your direction away from what ought to be (and has been?) a key design
> principle.

unfortunately, hard tradeoffs are at the core of most serious
engineering. it may be cliched, but there's generally no free lunch.
are you hungry enough to pay for that lunch? or would you rather save
the money instead? there's no single right answer to that question; it
depends on the person and the situation.

choices like this are similar. i discussed this in detail in
; see slide 33 for the executive summary. in essence, you're fighting
against things like the speed of light and queueing in core backbone
routers in major internet peering points, which are difficult to
impossible to change. specifically, 1) the only known distributed
consensus protocol is paxos, 2) paxos requires two round trips, and 3)
getting packets between datacenters in different physical locations
takes time. multiply that time by four (for the two round trips), add
in disk seeks on either end, and your writes will always be
significantly slower than local writes in only one datacenter. there
isn't really any way around that. at least, not until maybe quantum
computing, or wormholes. :P

this is an important general lesson that we've learned in the
developer group at google. tradeoffs like these are inherent in
engineering, and there's usually no one size fits all. one choice is
right for some apps, but not for the others. given that, the
interesting question isn't whether to offer the option. we have to.
the interesting question - if any - is what the default should be.

(also see my post on synchronous replication vs. eventually consistent

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