You can save storage by just quote Max Ross's article...

On Mar 23, 12:27 am, Gleidson - MG - Brasil
<> wrote:
> If you're using a relational database it's pretty easy to execute case-
> insensitive queries because it's a native feature of the database.  It
> usually looks something like this:
>  select * from Person where UPPER(lastName) = 'ROSS'
> This is a challenge for the App Engine Datastore because we rely on
> executing scans over a limited subset of your data and returning
> results as we encounter them.  Consider the following strings in
> lexicographic order:
> ...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Rose
> ...
> Ross
> ...
> Rosta
> ...
> rose
> ...
> ross
> ...
> rosta
> ...
> As you can see there could be an unlimited number of rows in between
> 'ROSS' and 'Ross', and also between 'Ross' and 'ross' (okay not
> unlimited, we do have a limit on indexed string length, but definitely
> Large), so if we start scanning at 'ROSS' we might have to skip a huge
> number of results before we hit 'Ross', and that doesn't scale.  This
> is why the datastore doesn't support case-insensitive queries.
> Fortunately it's not hard to implement support for case-insensitive
> queries in your application.  Here's the approach: for each field that
> you want to query in a case-insensitive way, create a duplicate field
> that stores the value of that field in either all upper or lowercase
> letters.  Then, have your model object register a pre-persist callback
> with your persistence framework (JPA or JDO), and then populate the
> duplicate fields inside that callback.  Here's what it looks like.
> JPA:
> import javax.persistence.PrePersist;
> import javax.persistence.PreUpdate;
> @Entity
> public class Person {
>   @Id
>   @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
>   private Long id;
>   private String lastName;
>   private String uppercaseLastName;
>   public Long getId() {
>     return id;
>   }
>   public String getLastName() {
>     return lastName;
>   }
>   public void setLastName(String lastName) {
>     this.lastName = lastName;
>   }
>   @PrePersist
>   @PreUpdate
>   public void prePersist() {
>     if (lastName != null) {
>       uppercaseLastName = lastName.toUpperCase();
>     } else {
>       uppercaseLastName = null;
>     }
>   }
> }
> public List<Person> getPeopleByLastName(String lastName) {
>   Query q = em.createQuery("select from Person where uppercaseLastName
> = :p");
>   q.setParameter("p", lastName.toUpperCase());
>   return (List<Person>) q.getResultList();
> }
> JDO:
> import javax.jdo.listener.StoreCallback;
> @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION)
> public class Person implements StoreCallback {
>   @PrimaryKey
>   @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY)
>   private Long id;
>   private String lastName;
>   private String uppercaseLastName;
>   public Long getId() {
>     return id;
>   }
>   public String getLastName() {
>     return lastName;
>   }
>   public void setLastName(String lastName) {
>     this.lastName = lastName;
>   }
>   public void jdoPreStore() {
>     if (lastName != null) {
>       uppercaseLastName = lastName.toUpperCase();
>     } else {
>       uppercaseLastName = null;
>     }
>   }
> }
> public List<Person> getPeopleByLastName(String lastName) {
>   Query q = pm.newQuery(Person.class, "uppercaseLastName == :p");
>   return (List<Person>) q.execute(lastName.toUpperCase());
> }
> On 21 mar, 17:41, vchalmel <> wrote:
> > Hi !
> > I wonder how to compare a String stored in a datastore entity (field
> > "login") to an entry (also named login) considering their lowercase
> > version :
> >  - I tried : "SELECT count(this) FROM "+Gestionnaire.class.getName()+"
> > WHERE LowerCase(login)== LowerCase('"+login+"')" which throws an
> > exception
> > I have another problem with this query, I don't want to exclude the
> > one-character login like, maybe "1", but this also fires an exception
> > (  java.lang.Character cannot be cast to
> > )

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