
Have a look at Expando as a base class for starters.

And also you should avoid using exec/eval,

use setattr and getattr http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#setattr


setattr(myobj,'my_property_name',some_value)  - have a



On Apr 7, 10:31 pm, J <j.si...@earlystageit.com> wrote:
> I need to assign a value to a Model property but its name is not known
> until runtime. For illustrative purposes, say
> class Story(db.Model):
>     title = db.StringProperty()
>     body = db.TextProperty()
> s = Story(title="The Three Little Pigs")
> Since I wanted to decide on the property name at runtime, I wrote:
> cmd = 's.%s = %s' % ('body', '"Once upon a time..."')
> exec(cmd)
> I shouldn't have to use exec. There has to be a better way of
> assigning values to properties.
> Any suggestions?

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