
I was writing a request handler that sent an email address and was
very surprised when my unit tests failed due to is_email_valid
returning unexpected false positives.  Upon further investigation of
the sdk source[1], turns out that invalid_email_reason is doing a very
very basic string validation and not actually checking any valid email
address guidelines.

I created a list of very basic email address problems that I had
expected to get caught[2], and it looks like the live version of gae
is doing the same thing.

I have seen many email validation regexes was really hoping that this
function did what I had expected.  Should I file a bug w/a patch?  Or
are there other workarounds that anyone else has used?  Just sending
and catching an Error (not InvalidEmailError for the listed reasons

[1] invalid_email_reason source in google code
[2] test handler and response source

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