Hi Janne,

I also was thinking about this issue. The only idea I've got so far is
to include on BCC a email address that will send the mail back to GAE
handler and mark a email task in datastore as executed. Of course
there should be some status change to "IS_SENDING" to wait for signal
back. The overhead can be quite significant though if you have lot's
of emails and negletable if just few.

Any other thoughts?

On Apr 7, 1:49 pm, Janne Savukoski <ster...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We're having some problems with emails being sent multiple times. The
> core issue is that emails are being sent even if send_mail raises an
> error (DeadlineExceededError). (Same issue mentioned 
> inhttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine/browse_thread/thread/...)
> What is the best way to send emails just once as guaranteedly as
> possible with AppEngine? Queue emailing tasks individually with a
> sufficient delay in between and guard for duplicate task execution?
> This doesn't solve the problem of emails being sent even when the
> calls error, but if the delay helps to minimize the exception
> occurrence.

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