On Apr 14, 1:09 pm, Matt C  wrote:
> I'm curious about both of these.  From a quick overview, they are both
> well regarded, and to my newbie eyes, seem to be fairly similar to one
> another.
> Is there anyone who has tried both who could highlight the most
> important difference(s)?
> Also, I see that the owners of both tipfy and kay sometimes post
> here.  Comments from either of you about your favorite feature or what
> makes your framework different from other frameworks would be
> especially appreciated.

Uh, only saw this message today.

I'm responsible for tipfy. Yep they are similar as both are based on
several same libraries - Werkzeug, Jinja2, Babel, and so on. From my
perspective the main difference is that kay follows a django'ish
approach for the views organization, and tipfy is more like webapp (so
we call them handlers :P). Besides the function vs class matter and
general project organization, I think both have several things in
common - a light core and a middleware system to plug extra
functionalities, and so on.

-- rodrigo

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