On 8 May 2010 05:16, WebOps <e.fla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In addition editing my host file to point www.$ourDomainName.com at
> ghs.google.com as described in Admin Help -> "Creating CNAME records"
> resolves to a google app application, but not the one expected.

You also need to go into your Google Apps dashboard and map the
www.$yourdomainname.com to your AppEngine app.

Go to 'Dashboard'->'Add More Services' and look in the bottom right
for 'Google App Engine'. You want to put in $yourDomainName-www and
follow the instructions.

The rest of the things you did look right.


contact: Andrew Chilton, Director
email: chi...@appsattic.com
web: http://www.appsattic.com/

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