Thanks for all the responses, everybody. Responses below --

On May 9, 5:45 am, Tim Hoffman <> wrote:
> 1.  Is the set of entities changing constantly - ie adding or deleting
> entities, or are you just changing a fixed set of entities.

Yes, the set of entities is changing constantly, and it's mostly
adding/changing entities.

> 2.  How up to date must your view be,

It's OK if it's a few seconds out of date, but not much longer than
that is acceptable.

> 3.  Is it feasible to refetch/populate your cache via a background
> task  (if you write 20-30 times per read)

Yes, this is something I've considered doing, but given my answer to
the previous question (reads have to be fresh within a few seconds),
that suggests the background task would have to run after each write,
or regularly every few seconds or something -- and that seems wasteful
in terms of App Engine's CPU usage.

> Also I assume you do a fetch on the query rather than iterating of the
> result (fetch is much quicker).

Oh, we could be onto something here. I'm iterating over the result,
not using fetch, because I was under the impression fetch() was only
for a limited number of records. Are you saying that I could pass a
dummy huge number to fetch(), like fetch(1000000), and it would be
faster than iterating? If so, that would be an easy win.

> I think if you adding/removing keys you could actually keep a list in
> of keys in memcache as a single entity
> then fetch the list of keys then do a db.get(list_of_keys) assuming
> you have less 1000 entities as you are still limited to 1000's items
> retrieved.

This is a good idea, too -- thanks. I'll give it a shot.

On May 9, 8:16 am, djidjadji <> wrote:
> Maybe you can use the client side of the process.
> Write a piece of Javascript that uses Ajax calls to perform multiple
> requests simultaneous (Ajax=asynchronous) that each retrieve part of
> the objects (there should be some range on the 'the_order' field, chop
> it in pieces). Return XML or Jason for the objects found.
> Combine the results of these queries and construct the webpage client
> side or by sending the whole bunch to the server in another Ajax call.

I ended up doing this shortly after I sent my original post to the
group -- sharding the query, essentially, and reassembling the results
on the client side -- and it's made a huge improvement in
responsiveness. This technique is going to be an important part of my
final solution.

On May 9, 9:15 am, djidjadji <> wrote:
> I don't think retrieving 1000 or 2000 objects/rows from an SQL
> database is considerably faster then the distributed approach of
> Bigtable.

In my earlier version of the app, before App Engine, I used SQLite,
and it vastly outperformed BigTable for the same query. It was on the
order of 1000 times faster. Of course, that was with only a couple
thousand rows in the SQLite database, and I'm sure performance
would've gotten worse as the database grew. That seems to be a benefit
of BigTable -- the performance stays generally the same no matter how
many records you stuff in there... (Right...? I'm basing this
assumption on what I've read.)

On May 9, 6:16 pm, johnP <> wrote:
> Another trick is to
> convert objects to protobufs when saving and retrieving.  Nick's blog
> has an article on this:  

Thanks for the heads-up on that article -- hadn't seen it.

> Also, do you need the entire entities?  Or just some data from the
> entities?  You might be able to distill the essential information into
> a list before putting to memcache.  This would decrease the serialize/
> deserialize cost that Nick writes about.

I need the entire entities, unfortunately. Wow, as I describe all of
my requirements to you folks, this really does sound like a nightmare
app, doesn't it? :-)

Thanks again, everybody,

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