That's what I was meaning...still my low-level English doesn't help to
explain :-)

What I did was to deploy a servlet in _ah/login_required, which
generated login URL (assuming Google as an openID provider) and
redirected to it using standard servlet redirection.

I had /* pattern in security-constraint resource list to require login
for all pages in my application, and so caugth also /_ah/ under
security constraint: that led to the UserService generate login
methods to return _ah/login_required as a login url, and so I got
stuck in a redirection loop. My servlet was in fact redirecting to its
own address.

Removing _ah/login_required from the pages under security constraint
(that is, using explicit paths for the pages I had in my app instead
of /*) resolved it. UserService generates the correct login url when
called from the servlet.

I hope this is clearer


On May 31, 12:01 pm, Scott Ellis <> wrote:
> Ah sorry I get it - the /_ah/login_required pattern is caught by the '/'
> handler...gotcha. Hard to make a 'nice' default behaviour for that one then
> I guess. Cheers.

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