On Jun 3, 4:58 am, Massimiliano <massimiliano.pietr...@gmail.com>
> I need just something like *myvar* so I will accept any carachters before
> and after the var...
> Or I have to divide the strings in list (each word an elment of the list)
> and use the operator IN.
> Thinking

Building a keyword index for each entity is fairly trivial.

Indexing so that you can find "oob" in "foobar" isn't, and I don't
believe there's a scalable solution for this.  An RDBMS will do
searches like this for you, but it won't scale well.  I believe it's
only possible by doing a table scan, which App Engine won't let you do
(short of manually fetching every entity and checking if it contains
your substring, which obviously isn't going to be pretty.)

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