I'm curious as to whether field name lengths impact performance when
you have a high volume of writes on a very simple object type to the

I know it's not the case for relational dbs, but for the datastore I'm
not certain how field names are stored/maintained for every object of
a particular type as those fields can vary amongst those objects.

As an example, if I have a small model, all ints like this:

class Example(db.Model):
   some_id = db.IntegerProperty()
   first_integer = db.IntegerProperty()
   second_integer = db.IntegerProperty()

Is there any performance impact (even a tiny one) when doing very
frequent writes when compared to something like this:

class Example(db.Model):
   s = db.IntegerProperty()
   i = db.IntegerProperty()
   j = db.IntegerProperty()

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