On Jun 30, 4:05 pm, ekampf <eka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a form with a several fields including one file field.
> When using regular form submit I get all the data on the server (I'm
> using django - request.POST has the data)
> When I submit through the blobstore handler when it redirects to my
> code the request.POST dictionary is empty.
> Any idea what Im doing wrong?

Are you using Django-nonrel or still app-engine-patch? With Django-
nonrel you can use django-filetransfers:

If you use app-engine-patch you'll need some more work:

* dev_appserver's blobstore upload handler generates invalid line
endings in the HTTP request. Apply this fix:

* patch Django like this: 

* try to use/adapt BlobstoreFileUploadHandler and
BlobstoreUploadedFile from djangoappengine:

Then, you'll be able to access uploaded files via request.FILES['<file-
field>'] as BlobstoreUploadedFile instances. These have a
blobstore_info attribute which contains a BlobInfo for the uploaded

Waldemar Kornewald

Django on App Engine, MongoDB, ...? Browser-side Python? It's open-

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