Yes thats it - perhaps the word stream is not the most appropriate.

If i read a book which is say horror - in your app that can auto subscribe me 
books that are of the horror type. which again is just following a book type.
But the streams and subscribers principle works for lots of solutions. email or 
chat, and activity logs. comments. just use your imagination.

Assuming that perhaps your plan is the have activities and share them with 
followers - which might just be what books they are reading all you do is send 
message to a stream.
"hello world" to " user/martin/stream/public_activities - if public facing 
are subscribed they will get the message. Or "Hello World" mail/martin/inbox". 
Of course in a real world mail system you would put a copy in the senders sent 
and a copy in the recipients inbox - but thats easy. 

# just a simple message class with subscribers - this can be far more 
class message(db.Model):
    sender = db.StringProperty()
    body = db.TextProperty()

class message_index(db.Model):
    receivers = db.StringListProperty() #streams
    def put(stream): #puts a stream list in a message receivers list
        #should start a worker to append the past list 
    def move(from_stream,to_stream): #replaces a stream with a new stream 
        #should start a worker
    def delete_stream(stream): #removes a stream - this is useful for 
        #should start a worker

As simple as this approach is it just about covers - activity walls, 
email,comments and so on - one concept is lets say I want to flash messages to 
my users "your are now following martin". I just have my Ajax or static page 
"listen" to 'user/martin/flash' and send info messages to 'user/martin/flash' 
when someone unsubscribes, a message is flashed to inform them the request was 
completed.  Of course you would need to add some security measures to the 
class and a mechanism to remove messages - i.e spam folders would clear say 
every 7 days, flashed messages once read clear instantly, in-box messages may 
live forever. Of if you want to save memory and have millions of users have a 
"mail/martin/saved" stream and then add a save message button to emails  (all 
that does is use the message.move(...) method and then set in-box to keep 
messages for say 90 days and the save box to be 'permanent' As you can see the 
stream method now has some very useful functionality from just a small amount 

Well that's how i am thinking, maybe this can work for you.

Martin Webb 
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From: stefoid <>
To: Google App Engine <>
Sent: Thu, 8 July, 2010 7:07:19
Subject: [google-appengine] Re: list-property, many to many, 5000  

oh, wait.  If I replace your word 'stream' with 'follower' like a
twitter follower, then I think it immediately makes a lot more sense.

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